
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year Is Now Open

Step 1: Enrollment Check-Off Form:
     Print the Enrollment Check-Off Form and read through it carefully. Use the Check-
     Off Form to check off each step as you walk through the process.
Step 2: Registration
     Complete the Online Registration and pay the Registration Fees (non-refundable).
Step 3: Application
     A. New to Calvary Murrieta Christian Schools: If your student has never been
     enrolled in Calvary Murrieta Christian Schools (including the Preschool) or Calvary
     Murrieta Christian Academy, please complete the Online Application.  Create an
     account under the parent’s name and follow the instructions to complete the
     application. There is a $50.00 non-refundable one-time Application Fee.
    Make sure to select “Homeschool Application ISP – CMCA” and correct grade/year when asked which
     school you are enrolling in.
     B. For Previously Enrolled Students:
If your student was previously enrolled with
     Calvary Murrieta Christian Schools (including the Preschool) or Calvary Murrieta
     Christian Academy, you do not need to complete the Online Application. Please fill
     out the Previous School Attended portion at the top of the Check-Off Form.
Step 4: Required Forms
Below are the forms referenced on the Enrollment Check-Off Form. Follow the instructions to determine which forms you will need. Bring in all forms that apply to your student during CMCA open office hours (Tuesdays from 12:00pm to 3:00pm and Wednesdays from 10:00am -3:00pm). A student is not considered enrolled until all steps have been completed.

Enrollment Forms

To use the fillable forms: First download/save the form to your computer, then open in Adobe Reader 7.0 or later. If you do not have Adobe Reader 7.0 or later, go to www.adobe.com/ to get a free download.